Who We Are and What We Do

The Woodridge Elementary PTSA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year.


If you would like to know more about the duties of each of the board positions, please go to our Board Officer Descriptions page.


​We are still looking to fill a few positions on our Executive Board and various committees (any of the TBD listings following the position names). If you are interested in being involved at the school, meeting more families, and collaborating with this team, contact our president for more information about all the possibilities!



PTSA Board Members 2023 - 2024


Executive Board


President / Derk Bramer
Vice President / Chauntelle Johnson

Secretary / Susanna Hurd
Secretary-Elect / Allison Lee

Treasurer #1 / Angie Toy
Treasurer #2 / TBD

VP-Communications / La Shawn King (Rain)
VP-Communications / Andrea Sirota

VP-Programs / Jenadee Koumantaros
VP-Programs / TBD

VP-Membership / Lisa Passé
VP-Membership / Yuan Li

VP-Ways & Means / Mandeep Toor
VP-Ways & Means / Rajvi Patel

Member at Large / Erin Kenway
Member at Large / Victoria Scavezze


Admin/Staff / Anecia Grigsby, Principal
Admin/Staff / Linda Peterson, Librarian

Admin/Staff / Dawn Abbott, Teacher

Admin/Staff / Vincy Christian, Teacher




After School Program Coordinator / Katie Laureano, Lisa Voss


Auction Chair / TBD


Bellevue Schools Foundation Representative / Deepa Patten


Book Exchange / TBD


Book Fair / Lisa Passé, Erin Shen, Jon Girsch


5th Grade Graduation Lead / TBD


Movie Nights / TBD

PTSA Carnival / La Shawn King (Rain)

Reflections / Jamie Ro


Room Parent Coordinator / TBD

Teacher Appreciation / Jon Girsch


Vision and Hearing Screening / TBD


Volunteer Coordinator / TBD


Yearbook / Irfana Hayat